$149.00 USD

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Family Constellations 1/2 Day Healing Retreat- October Healing Event

 Join Janet Namaste and Michelle Blechner as they lead you on a beautiful hypno and constellation journey.  

 With their nurturing hearts and skillful techniques you will be led in ancestral and systemic constellation work so you can heal and align with your destined journey

Michelle will be leading you on the constellation journey as Janet will guide you in clearing past limiting beliefs and hypno-progression.

You will:

  • Gently uncover hidden subconscious programs that may have kept you stuck so that you can integrate this as your powerful tool rather than a hidden hindrance. 
  • Participate in a group constellation so you can empower your own destiny and future generations on a collective level as you move beyond generational patterns
  • Become the alchemist of you life as you acknowledging what is and begin with progression work to transform any existing patterns from detrimental to useful
  • Have the opportunity to heal ancestral subconscious + cultural trauma so you can open the doors of new potentiality
  • Align with your future highest potential through a progression journey.



DATE: Saturday, October 7th 2023

11 am- 4 pm 

WHERE: Spotlight Studios

358 Forest Avenue

Staten Island, New York 10301

Exchange - $125 before October 1st; $149 after

* all workshops are non-refundable and non-transferable.

*all sales tickets are final


Spiritual Bridge – Family Constellations Facilitator/Trainer – Integrative Coach – Universal Laws & Meditation Facilitator – Founder U.R.I.M Program – Co-Producer, “The Knowing Field” Movie

Born and raised in France, Michelle Blechner lived in NY for 30 years until she relocated to Miami Florida in 2009. With a background in psychology, first used in the field of Marketing and Research in Paris, then as a successful professional in the international business world, she has now been guided to finally, “Live the life she had come here to live”!

Today, she has evolved into a Spiritual Leader, Life Counselor and Family Constellations Practitioner, facilitating and teaching this leading edge modality.  For more info visit http://themissinglinkbymichelleblechner.com


Celebrity Intuitive Healer, Janet Namaste is gifted in the innate ability of helping people discover their life’s purpose and develop practical strategies to claim their destiny. A skilled Clairvoyant, Claircognizant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and a Reiki Master with over 25 years of experience, she has empowered and aided the transformations of thousands globally to become aligned with their innate truth. She is a Spiritual Teacher, Thought Leader, Intuitive Consultant, Host of Raw Real Talks, Founder of The Destiny Blueprint Program and Founder of The Conscious Healer’s Academy, an International Program for healing professionals that help raise the consciousness of the world.

She is also an Expert Transformational Coach, certified in Creativity in Business Master’s Degree Program from Stanford University. Janet leads the NYC Stanford University Mindfulness Program where she teaches privately and in the NYBOE. She is also a skilled hypnotherapist, specializing in regression therapy trained by Dr. Brian Weiss. In her numerous speaker engagements, Janet is known for her nurturing yet keeping it real candor, her humorous and grounded delivery that continues to inspire people globally. Whether it’s through her seminars or private consultations, she is highly praised for her natural ability to help people understand their life’s purpose and develop practical strategies for their destiny with truth and grace.

About Constellations

Family Constellations, a therapeutic approach founded by psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, is based on the belief that we can often be held back in life by deep patterns we absorb from our families, and that the roots of those problems can sometimes go back generations. Family Constellations invite people to ... move beyond their defenses into an expanded field of possibility see how entanglements in current relationships may be tied to the past discover reliable ways to release resentment, pain, and grief step out of seemingly intractable patterns attune to the resonance of life-force harness the power of ancestral imagery incorporate this approach into other healing practices