The Healing Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda 

Learn and connect with the ancient secrets of Healing, directly from the international healing experience of Cecilia and Vivek Sharma, disciples of Paramhansa Yogananda, Master of the Kriya Yoga Path.






Welcome to this SPECIAL MASTERCLASS with Cecilia and Vivek as they lead you onto a deep exploration of your healing journey. 


In this experiential workshop you will have the opportunity to learn the healing techniques taught by Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi, the Master who brought to the West the ancient sacred Science of Kriya Yoga.

Utilizing vibrational healing, you will learn how to tap into Cosmic Energy and direct it where healing is needed.  You will also be shown how to rouse and increase the life force within you for cleansing, healing and transformation.

These are very powerful sessions and you will feel the healing, days and even weeks after the connection. The healing energy, being Divine Consciousness, knows where to go and it will all align in it's own accord.   

Enjoy these sessions and use them as many times as your heart desires.


What you will need:  Yoga mat and/or light blanket, filtered water, journal + something to write with

Preparation:  Try to keep your diet, healthy + clean at least a few days before these sessions.  Get plenty of rest, avoid high caffeinated beverages

Vibratory Healing

The teachings of Healing by Paramhansa Yogananda

Learn how to tap into the Cosmic Energy supply using Will Power and Concentration and directing it where healing is needed.

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Healing the inner and outer Temple through the Cosmic Vibration

The Healing power of Aum as a sacred tool for profound healing. 

Learn how to chant it deeply in the Chakras for physical, mental, emotional, spiritual well-being.

Charging yourself as a Divine healing battery for self + distance healing

Discover and experience Energy’s infinite Power of projection to help yourself and others, including souls who have already left the body, animals, places and times, and your Family Tree.

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How to heal like Jesus did 

Paramhansa Yogananda’s most advanced Healing Technique: 

We will delve deeper into the ancient practice.  

A beautiful Healing Session will close this 4 week journey.

How to heal like Jesus did 

Paramhansa Yogananda’s most advanced Healing Technique: 

We will delve deeper into the ancient practice.  

A POWERFUL Healing Session will conclude this 4 pillar journey.


Cecilia and Vivek Sharma help people to find their original balance - mental, emotional, spiritual and physical - and to be reconnected with their higher Self and highest Goals through P.Yogananda’s hands off Vibratory Healing, Sound Healing, Past Life Regression Therapy, Reconnective Healing, The Reconnection©. Through individual and group Healing Sessions, Classes, Workshops and Healing Retreats, so far they have helped hundreds of people in India, Italy and USA, included 4500 members of the Indo Tibetan Border Police in India, hundreds of destitute widows in Vrindavan, India, served by the P.Yogananda Charitable Trust of which they are co-founders, a Group of US War Veterans in New York, elderly people at the Old Age Home Nirmal Chhaya in New Delhi and downthrodden children at The Shelter, NGO in Gurgaon, HR, India. They are regularly serving Maximum and Medium Security Prisons in Italy with weekly Meditation and Healing Programs  for Inmates -male and female- Police and Administrative Staff.

For more info please visit:


Celebrity Intuitive Healer, Janet Namaste is gifted in the innate ability of helping people discover their life’s purpose and develop practical strategies to claim their destiny.  A skilled Clairvoyant, Claircognizant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and a Reiki Master with over 25 years of experience, she has empowered and aided the transformations of thousands globally to become aligned with their innate truth.  Janet is a highly skilled hypnotherapist, specializing in regression therapy trained by World Renowned Dr. Brian Weiss.  She is a Spiritual Teacher, Thought Leader, Intuitive Consultant, Host of Raw Real Talks, Founder of The Destiny Blueprint Program and Founder of The Conscious Healer’s Academy, an International Program for healing professionals that help raise the consciousness of the world.