"Constellations reveal the hidden loyalties of the soul. In this field of knowing, we see with the heart's eye, move with the family's breath, and heal with the ancestors' love. Each constellation is a bridge between generations, a sacred dance of acknowledgment and release. As we honor what has been, we free ourselves to become what we are meant to be. "- Bert Hellinger


Are you experiencing any of the following?

  • Feeling held back in life without understanding why
  • Struggling with persistent emotions like fear, anger, anxiety, or guilt
  • Facing challenges in relationships, finances, or your professional life
  • Dealing with addictions or patterns of self-sabotage
  • Sensing that there's more to your struggles than meets the eye

Family Constellations offers a unique perspective: What if some of your challenges stem from unresolved traumas or emotions within your family system?

This work helps you uncover and transform these hidden dynamics, freeing you to live life to its fullest potential.

Click here to find out online OR in-person constellation group events

Family Constellations: Unveiling Hidden Dynamics, Transforming Lives

Discover the Power of Systemic Healing

Family Constellations, also known as Systemic Constellations, is a revolutionary therapeutic approach that offers profound insights and healing for individuals, families, and organizations. Developed by German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger in the 1990s, this powerful method combines elements of family systems therapy, phenomenology, and indigenous healing practices, particularly drawing inspiration from the Zulu people.


The Core Principle: We Are Connected

At the heart of Family Constellations lies a fundamental truth: the issues and patterns we encounter in our daily lives are intricately connected to and deeply rooted in our family system. This work helps us build awareness of these connections, offering a path to healing and transformation that extends beyond the individual to the entire family system.

How Family Constellations Works

Group Sessions

In a traditional group setting, participants create what practitioners call the "Knowing Field" or simply "the Field" - an energetic space where deep insights can emerge.

Here's how it unfolds:

  1. Participants sit in a circle, offering their awareness and presence.
  2. A "seeker" presents an issue they wish to explore.
  3. The facilitator guides the process of "setting up" the constellation.
  4. Representatives are chosen from the group to embody family members or aspects of the issue.
  5. These representatives intuitively move and interact within the Field, revealing hidden systemic dynamics.
  6. The facilitator interprets these movements, leading to profound "movements of the soul" that catalyze healing.
  7. The process concludes with healing sentences and gestures that restore the flow of love within the family system.

It's important to note that all participants benefit from the session, whether they're the seeker, a representative, or an observer.

Individual Sessions

One-on-one constellations are also possible. These often involve:

  • Guided meditation to explore the family system internally
  • Use of objects or markers to represent family members
  • Visualizations and energy work

The Power of Systemic Healing

Family Constellations is based on the understanding that there are "orders of love" operating within family systems. By aligning with these natural orders, we can:

  • Release blockages holding us back
  • Free ourselves and future generations from inherited burdens
  • Transform relationships with family, partners, colleagues, and friends
  • Shift our connection to money, abundance, and success
  • Align mind, body, and soul for greater wellbeing
  • Find inner peace and clarity about our life's direction
  • Increase empathy, love, and compassion for ourselves and others
  • Develop strength and wisdom to deal with loss and life challenges
  • Open ourselves to greater vitality and life energy

The Science Behind the Soul Work

While Family Constellations is often described as "soul work" (known as "Seelenarbeit" in German), it's grounded in several scientific and therapeutic concepts:

  • Epigenetics: The study of how behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way genes work
  • Systemic thinking: Understanding how parts of a system interact and influence each other
  • Phenomenology: A philosophical method of observing and describing consciousness and experience
  • Morphic resonance: A hypothesis that suggests the existence of a type of collective memory in nature

Experience the Transformation

Whether you participate in a group workshop or individual session, Family Constellations offers a unique opportunity to:

  • Gain profound insights into your family system
  • Witness and support others in their healing journey
  • Experience deep shifts in perception and energy
  • Connect with your inner wisdom and authenticity
  • Transform your family story into a story of success
  • Clear the impact of transgenerational trauma in your life

Are you ready to unlock the hidden potential within your family system? Explore Family Constellations and embark on a journey of profound healing and transformation.

a little note - how I began the constellation journey.

I was introduced to Family and Systemic Constellation work in 2017 by my now mentor Michelle Blechner.  Being in the "energy healing work" I was opened to explore different modalities for going deeper into my own soul work.  There are 100's of different modalities and many facilitators - however Michelle resonated with my heart and soul.  From our first encounter to this day she has became a pivotal guide in my life.  She has helped 100's of people globally and I am blessed to have her as one of my cherished dear friends that I call family.  Destiny aligned us and has given me the gift of her being my first teacher of this work.  Her genuine support, love, wisdom and guidance is greatly appreciated.  Since then I have participated in many many  constellation circles led by  Suzy Tucker and Dragos Riti and and have co-hosted events throughout the years with Michelle, where I would do hypno and healing work and she would guide the constellations. I have also trained with Bill Mannle who is an exceptional in his work and guidance.  Blessed to embody this teaching, honor Bert Hellinger in his work and embrace it in the field.  Thank you for your open hearts, trust, and for reading all the above :) xx



Celebrity Intuitive Healer, Janet Namaste is gifted with the innate ability to help people discover their life’s purpose and develop practical strategies to claim their destiny. A skilled Clairvoyant, Claircognizant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and a Reiki Master with over 25 years of experience, she has empowered and aided the transformations of thousands globally to become aligned with their innate truth. She is a Spiritual Teacher, Family Constellation Facilitator, Intuitive Consultant, Host of Raw Real Talks, Founder of The Destiny Blueprint Program, and Founder of The Conscious Healer’s Academy, an International Program for healing professionals that helps raise the consciousness of the world.

She is also an Expert Transformational Coach, certified in Creativity in Business Master’s Degree Program from Stanford University. Janet leads the NYC Stanford University Mindfulness Program where she teaches privately and in the NYBOE. She is also a skilled hypnotherapist, specializing in regression therapy trained by Dr. Brian Weiss. In her numerous speaker engagements, Janet is known for her nurturing yet keeping real candor, and her humorous and grounded delivery that continues to inspire people globally. Whether it’s through her seminars or private consultations, she is highly praised for her natural ability to help people understand their life’s purpose and develop practical strategies for their destiny with truth and grace.


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