Tips for Navigating through this Intense Full Moon Lunar Eclipse


Today is prob one of the most intense days of the year indeed, not only because it’s election day here in the US - but a day also filled with great choices.  It is the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, emotions are running high, the shadow aspects of our deepest fears become uncovered.  Things that have been hidden will show up -  it’s time for you to create the life and change that your soul has been desiring!  Make those moves NOW, don’t hold back from living your happiness! 

Lunar Eclipses can be thought of as Full Moons  on steroids. A Lunar eclipse is when the sun is opposite the moon and the Earth is between blocking the Suns light. This casts a shadow.  They mark and signify the culmination of a major life realization, perhaps ending of chapters, shedding of all that no longer serves, and an overall feeling of leaving something behind. Insecurities of what we may...

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